Purpose of providing this privacy information
This privacy notice tells you what to expect when you, and sometimes others, provide your personal information to us. It sets out what information we collect about you and why we collect it, how the information may be used, who it may be shared with and how we will protect it and keep it confidential.
The notice explains what rights you have to control how we use your information, our legal basis for processing it and how you can access it. We also explain who to contact if you have any questions and how to contact them.
Bryn Darland Surgery is the Data Controller for the personal information we process, unless otherwise stated. There are many ways you can contact the Practice, including by phone, email, and post. Further details can be found on our Practice Details web page.
If you have concerns or queries about how we process your personal information, please contact the Practice direct or our Data Protection Officer in the first instance.
Practice Information Governance Lead
Practice Manager
Data Protection Officer
Under UK Data Protection legislation, the Practice is required to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO). This role is essential in facilitating the Practice accountability and compliance with data protection requirements.
The Practice DPO is:
Affinity Resolutions Ltd
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act entitles anybody to ask a public authority in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, including government departments, for any recorded information that they keep.
Asking for Information
It is preferable that you make your request in writing by letter or email to the address below.
For further information please visit: Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
Declining a Request
We will provide the information unless there is a good reason for not doing so. This, for example could be if your request relates to the personal details of another person. If we decline the request, we will set out why. We can be asked to reconsider our decision. If the request is still declined there is a right to apply directly to the Information Commissioners Office for a decision.
The Cost of Providing the Information
A lot of information may be supplied free of charge. However, sometimes we may have to charge a fee, either to cover administration costs, or to pay photocopying or postage costs, or because of the expense involved in finding and supplying the information.
Requests should be made to:
The Practice Managers - Kirsty Mercer-Rees/Anna Evans
Bryn Darland Surgery
53 High Street
LL11 3SA